Although there is a local version of Amazon in China amazon.cn, it is not very popular here due to the limited selection of items. Did you know that you can order certain items from the US version amazon.com and ship your items to China, often for a reasonable fee?
It can be a little tricky to find these items. Here are a few tips for US Amazon shoppers in China.
Step 1 – Select China as the “Deliver to” address before searching.
Before you start your search, make sure you select China as the Delivery address beside the search box.

Step 2 – Look for items marked as “ships to China”
Even though you specified Delivery To: China in step 1, most of the search results still cannot be shipped to China. To find the items that can actually ship to China, look for the text “ships to China” below the item description.

Step 3 – Complete your order
Make sure to enter your Chinese address correctly. If you are asked for a China ID card number, you can try entering 0’s and then wait until the shipping company contacts you for your passport copy. Or if you have a Chinese friend, you can ask them to use their ID for customs clearance.